Frequently Asked Questions

Fall Leadership Conference:

Q: Who should go to FLC?

A: Everyone is welcome.  However, we encourage all chapters to bring their chapter officers or those members who are interested in leadership roles. Additionally, you do not have to be a registered member to attend FLC. So if you are interested in joining your local BPA chapter and 

State Leadership Conference:

Q: Is the special event and dance mandatory?

A: Yes, it is. For the benefit and safety of both the advisors and students, we require all students attend these events at States.

Q: If you are 18, are you allowed to smoke at conferences?

A: No, smoking is prohibited for all students during all BPA conferences. Before SLC, each student is required to sign a code of ethics, which clearly states that all students cannot smoke. The code of ethics is included on the SLC permission slip and can be found on the State Leadership Conference page.

Q: Can a student participate in more than one team event?

A: No. Each student can only participate in one team event. In total, a student can participate in up to three (3) events, but most only compete in two (2). (The only exceptions are the General Open Events).

Q: How do I get info on judging at SLC?

A: You can contact our Judged Events Coordinator, Jaclyn Kellar   She is in charge of coordinating and scheduling all judges for SLC.

National Leadership Conference:

Q: How do I register for NLC? 

A: Advisors register their students for NLC here.

General Information:

Q: What are the dues?

A: Dues are paid to the National Center upon registration in the Membership Registration System. The national dues are $14 and the state dues are $8. When an advisor registers their students, an invoice will be generated which will charge $22 per student. The invoice should be remitted to the National Center who will then pay the state of Massachusetts the amount owed. 

Q: What kind of leadership opportunities does BPA provide?

A: Massachusetts BPA provides the Fall Leadership Conference (FLC) and the State Leadership Conference (SLC). At FLC we provide leadership workshops for all attendees. At SLC, we provide leadership workshops, the opportunity for students to intern, contests, competitive events, and torch award recognition. Many chapters also increase their leadership role in their community by working with the Red Cross or the Special Olympics. Also, any member in good standing may run for chapter officer and/or state officer. If a student wishes to run for state office, they should first get their advisor’s approval, and refer to the State Officer Election handbook on the State Leadership Conference page. This has all the necessary information and paperwork to fill out. Students also have the opportunity to run for National Officer. This info can be found on

Q: Where do I find the dress code?

A: The dress code for all BPA events can be found on the State Leadership Conference page. Please note that the dress code guidelines have been changed in the last few years.

Q: What are the Pin, Cover, Writing, and Community Service Awards all about?

A: Each on of these contests provides recognition at SLC, a scholarship towards NLC, and publication.

For example, the first place winner of the pin contests will have the design mass produced as a pin to be traded at NLC. The first place winner of the cover contest has their design published on the program handed out at SLC. The writing award winner reads a portion of their essay at SLC and is honored by having it published right here on 

Each first place winner receive a $100 scholarship towards NLC, second place $75, and third place $50.

The cover contest is voted on by the State Officer Team and the pin contest is voted on by the members at SLC. The writing and community service awards are judged separately by outside sources.

Q: How do I get reimbursed for mileage and state officer team expenses?

A: In order to get reimbursed for these expenses, you must go to the Important Documents page, fill it out, and either send or give to Judy McKinstry or Kristin McManus. A receipt MUST accompany this form.

Q: How do I submit chapter information?

A: If you would like your chapter recognized on please submit information to  Kristin McManus, State Director.

Q: Can alumni help out after they graduate? 

A: Absolutely! We love having alumni come to help us out as judges, proctors, and conference staff during FLC, SLC, and NLC. If you would like to help us out, please contact Kristin McManus, Judy McKinstry, or one of your State Officers.

Q: How do I get post secondary or alumni info?

A: We have a virtual post secondary chapter and are always adding to our alumni contact list. If you would like to contribute please contact Kristin McManus, State Director.

Q: What is a post secondary BPA?

A: Post secondary refers to a college level of BPA. Some states hold post secondary state conferences, while others just compete at NLC. Post secondary members also have many leadership opportunities as well. Massachusetts has a virtual chapter, which means that all information and meetings will be conducted online. Your college will not need to start up an independent post secondary chapter if you are a member of the virtual chapter. This provides the opportunity for students from colleges and universities all over Massachusetts to participate in BPA, even if their school will not let them start up a chapter.

Q: What exactly is a virtual chapter?

A: A virtual chapter, much like a regular chapter, must obtain a charter through the National Center. It must have a minimum of 5 members and at least one advisor. They must also abide by all BPA rules and regulations. Virtual chapters hold regular meetings online and can also have the opportunity to participate in leadership training. These chapters have grown in popularity due to lack of funding, lack of participation or interest to form a regular chapter, and/or in some cases, remote locations. Virtual chapters comprise of students from any school, so long as they pay their dues, have an advisor, and have approval from their school district. These chapters provide that members from all over the state are able to join and participate if circumstances do not allow for a regular chapter.